• 귀여운 코끼리 뮤지컬 완구 유아 부동 공 크롤링 대화 형 몬테소리 완구 어린이를위한 가습기 선물

    USD $31.96 - 31.98VAT포함$63.92 - 63.9650% 끄다무료 배송
    $22.37 드롭 배송 및 도매용

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    O***r 검증된 구매자

    I want to tell you about a toy that will please the younger children who are under 5 years old. Dima was delighted and took an hour for sure. The toy is represented by 2 colors-pink and blue. Powered by 3 x AA batteries. Comes in a colorful box, but unfortunately our transportation is a little crumpled. Now we talk about the advantages, the elephant glows ears with different colors, causes delight in the child, if you turn on the toy in the dark. Also, the elephant can ride, though very chaotic, it is better to run it on the floor. If you want the elephant to stand still, there is a special pad on the wheels. As the toy can produce steam, like a freshener. Pour water into a special compartment and voila. And the most interesting is the magic floating balls, the balls go in the kit and they are very light, rise up by the force of air, but for the child it's magic))) If you look for something to give to the child for the New Year-pay attention to this elephant!

    U***s 검증된 구매자

    For some reason, this toy of my child (2 years scared very much). Itself from this toy is not delighted. Does not make Ivory sound and music is different, not as the seller is represented. The quality of the plastic is some dubious. One ball was crushed (in the package there are two of them, both made of foam). AA batteries are not included. There is no information on the product page, no instruction in English. I bought for 718 rubles. It seems to me that this toy does not pull more than 300 rubles. Disappointed with the purchase. Trusted Reviews from other customers. Shipping for 5 day after payment

    G***z 검증된 구매자

    I shoot 1 * for a crumpled box, packing in a popurkui a thin parcel. I took a gift for the baby and the appearance of the paper box is spoiled. The toy itself is not cheap and the packing should be better. So like everything is intact, NS batteries did not check, I'll give-check.

    P***l 검증된 구매자

    훌륭한! The elephant emits steam and keeps the ball in the air. It reached its destination very quickly, whole without defects. You need 3 batteries. I recommend this very serious toy company -Kidsbele Official Store-. I bought 4 toys from her. I'm gorgeous. 감사해요

    K***e 검증된 구매자

    Elephant is just magical! To drive, you need to remove the cap from the front legs. To pour water, you need to remove the cap cap) the ball is floating in the air! The music is pleasant. Ears glow, move. We played the whole family. Thank you to the seller for the Magic!


    모델 번호 : TOYA605
    나이를 추천 : 13-24m
    경고 : 작은 부분은 3 세 미만의 어린이를위한 것이 아닙니다.
    테마 : 스포츠
    패키지 : 소매 패키지
    오리지널 장소 : 중국 광동 (본토)

    귀여운 코끼리 뮤지컬 완구 유아 부동 공 크롤링 대화 형 몬테소리 완구 어린이를위한 가습기 선물

    ·그것은'S 당신의 아이를 많은 재미를 가져오는 다기능 장난감!

    ·오픈 뚜껑 뒷면에 장난감, 물을. 당신이 1 기어로 전환할 때, 그것은 살포할 것입니다. 그것은 아이들을위한 가습기가되었습니다!

    ·2 기어로 전환, 코끼리는 장애물을 충족하는 경우, 그것은 자동 변경 방향을 이동하기 시작했다. 및 코끼리'S 코는 공기가 땅에 떨어지지 않는 것을 유지, 한편 공기에 계속. 아이들은 움직이는 장난감을 좋아합니다!

    ·색상 인식도 매우 중요합니다. 그것은 아이들이 아름다움의 민감성을 개발하고 창의력과 상상력을 장려하는 데 도움이됩니다.