V***k Verified Buyer

Very good ink spare parts, in requested color, excellent for writing with good quality of silly and very bright. If you buy them place the order with other items, be it feathers, spare parts, cell phone holder, whatever you want, why? Place the order with combined delivery request and send them all in one package, and if it will reach your home, Since products with guide numbers that start with "LP", they just don't arrive. He commented it out of his own experience. Those who live in Mexico will understand me that their orders did not reach them, but it is because of the poor logistics of our compatriots.

O***h Verified Buyer

In Kharkov (Ukraine) there were 20 days. The handle really liked, I order the third time. Multifunctional: includes a centimeter and an inch ruler, a screwdriver cross and a flat (hidden under a twisting lid, a magnet). The clothespin of the handle looks reliable, fixes firmly. The pen writes gently. The stylus is quite sensitive, with a smartphone Samsung Galaxy A5 (2016) works without problems. Very convenient. Product and seller recommend. I ordered myself another.

E***h Verified Buyer

Superb quality and presentation, consistent with the description given by the seller, pretty fast shipping despite coming from abroad, wrap in box simple But effective, recommended, don't pay tax in my country

P***e Verified Buyer

Cinsini as you were gonna but plastic style problem for a product but My doubt that will happen. Pen, scales, ruler, 2 kind of screwdriver and phone to touch pen the more you will get excellent in my opinion.

J***y Verified Buyer

Pen is Great!! Level meter is not very bright...but otherwise very useful, Touch pen and screw driver works! Took 2 months to reach Oman... bit longer than usual...