H***r | Verified Buyer |
There are no questions about the material, it looks like HB. Inside the air bag was, like everyone else, but the TC cap was still folded back inside, there were bruises, I will try to steam. To the color, too, there are no questions-as in the picture-beige-just as needed. Deep enough, but in moderation, from the head will not fly, but the ears do not close. But the size of the bolshevat turned out to be, I have a small head, so I had to tighten it, and it's still with a margin. So those who also have a small head, prepare for a bubble on the back of the head. And so everything is super, it is worth taking, the visor is bent well :)
P***d | Verified Buyer |
A good cap, not crumpled, odorless, without threads, the shape holds well, behind the volume is adjusted on Velcro. It looks good, the head and face are not big. You can safely take. I ordered 2 PCs immediately, I was not disappointed.
O***y | Verified Buyer |
To Moscow 16 days. Came in a common parcel. So as not to lose shape, the seller put the air bag. The photo shows. Good qulity. I took red and khaki for 351 rubles each. Colors match. Adjustment on Velcro. I recommend to buy.
W***h | Verified Buyer |
Great, at first measured upset, she crumbled and sat crispy, I steamed her on the bank and she became perfect, I'm too big for the head. When ears can be refilled (on 3 photos Velcro for a volume of 54,4)
U***a | Verified Buyer |
Buy cap pink fixed a 250 re-left. And now wait pink alishki-360-right. Cap big head, very body, deep, square shape, and even as if just expanding upward. Quality is good, smooth, not wrinkled.