A3 A4 A5 A6 B4 B5 Plastic Folder File Envelope Poly Storage Waterproof Pvc Bag Document Paper Office
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Customer Reviews
*Note: Some reviews have been processed by Google Translate!Type: Presentation Folder
Shape: Wallet
Material: PVC
A3 A4 A5 A6 B4 B5 Plastic Folder File Envelope Poly Stationery Storage Waterproof Zipper PVC Organizer Bag Document Paper Office Organizers
A6 notes 66 * 42 * 63cm;
A5 series 66 * 42 * 63cm;
B5 series 59 * 40 * 59cm;
A4 series 59 * 40 * 59cm;
Product Material: PVC
Product Style: 5 colors: Red,White,Blue,Green,Yellow